LECTURE COMPLEX

Discipline  Public Health, OZ 3225

Specialty  051 301- «General Medicine»

Lectures 18 (hours)

Course: The third

Semester: V, VI

                                                                          Compiled by: Head of Department, MD,                                    Professor L.L.Karp,

Senior Lecturer T.B.Potapchuk

Astana, 2011


1.Topic: Public health as a science and teaching subject.

2. Purpose: To introduce the concept of “public health”, the history of science and the subject of teaching.

3. Theses of  lecture:
Public health: definition, object, object of study, history of discipline.
The subject of public health. Health as a social value and the basis of demographic, economic, labor, social, cultural and defense potential. Health as a vital and valuable personal property of a citizen. Health and competitiveness.
Health as a social value and the basis of demographic, economic, labor, social, cultural and defense potential. Health as a vital and valuable personal property of a citizen. Health and competitiveness.

4. Illustrative materials:

Kartodiagram on health indicators.


  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)1. Definition of science “Public Health”.
    2. Research methods.
    3. The concept of “Public Health”.
    4. Definition of the concept of “health” according to WHO.
    5. Factors determining the health of the population of Y.P. Lisicin.



1. Topic: Social factors of health.

2. Purpose: To introduce the most important social factors of health.

  1. Theses of lecture:
    Socio-biological approach to public health: public health – a social phenomenon with a biological basis. Social, environmental and biological determination of health. Social determinants of health: socio-demographic, socio-economic, social and health.
    Quality of life associated with health. Methodology and objectives of the study of quality of life. Medical and social standards and requirements.  System performance. Medical and sociological studies of the quality of life and health.
    Levels of health: health as an individual (personal health), group health (social, occupational, and demographic groups), public health, public health. Individual health. The concept of health and disease. Health groups: healthy, practically healthy people with chronic diseases. Health social groups: families, women, children and adolescents, older generation.

    Illustrative materials:Charts, cartograms health.


  1. References



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)


  1. The concept of “personal health”.
    2. The concept of “group health”.
    3. The concept of “normal”
    4. The concept of “pathology.”
    5. Health groups.



1.Topic: Medical and social aspects of demography

2.Purpose: To introduce the medical and social aspects of demography.


3.Theses of lecture

Subject demographics and content.  Population  as an object of vital  statistics. Importance of demographic data to characterize the   public health and public health practice.
Static population size, density of settlement, the composition of attributes (gender, age, etc.). The method of studying the static  population. Census method of organizing and conducting. Types of population age structure: progressive, regressive stationary. The size and composition  of the population of Kazakhstan.
Population dynamics: mechanical and vital statistics. Migration, species: emigration, immigration, urbanization, displaced people and refugees. The main  causes and consequences of migration. Method fo r studying the mechanical movement of the population.
Births, definition, method of calculation. Factors affecting fertility   (public and private).Trends in fertility in relation  to socio-economic and other factors. Specific fertility rates: fertility (fertility) and infertility, marital and extramarital fertility, etc. Mortality: total and age-specific, the levels, structure and trends. The natural population growth, species. The concept of depopulation (population cross). The system of accounting and registration of births and deaths. Records evidencing the facts of birth and death. The role of health professionals to register births and deaths. Analysis of vital statistics. Features natural movement in the world, Kazakhstan, by regions.
Infant mortality. Concepts: live birth, stillbirth, the fetus. The method of calculation and analysis of infant mortality. The main causes of infant mortality in the Republic of Kazakhstan: conditions originating in the  perinatal period, congenital malformations, respiratory diseases.
Average life expectancy, definition, principles and methods of their calculation. The concept of the life table (survival). Indicators of average life expectancy in Kazakhstan and elsewhere. Aging population, effects. The proportion of older people in Kazakhstan and elsewhere. Socio-economic, medical and psychological aspects of life of older people.
Demographic Policy in Kazakhstan and elsewhere.

4. Illustrative materials:

  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback) 
  2. Definition of demography as a science.
    2. The concept of static population.
    3. Types of population age structure.
    4. The concept of population dynamics.
    5. The concept of migration.
    6. Types of migration.
    7. The level of total fertility.
    8. The level of overall mortality.
    9. The level of infant mortality.
    10. The concept of natural growth.
    11. The concept of average life expectancy



1.Topic: Morbidity of population and methods of studying.

2. Purpose: To introduce the morbidity of the population and the methods of its study.

3.Theses of lecture:

Importance of morbidity statistics for the integrated assessment of health status. The concept of general and primary disease. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and related Health Problems (ICD, 10th revision of the WHO), the principles of construction. Sources and methods for the study of morbidity. The study of the incidence according to the negotiability of the causes of death, and medical examinations. Accounting (registration) diseases. Individual and consolidated accounting morbidity.
Selective and continuous methods of studying the disease. The objectives of physicians in the study of the causes and structure of morbidity. Basic data on the incidence of the population of Kazakhstan. Automated tracking of disease registries – central processing of primary documentation of tuberculosis, cancer, diabetes.

4. Illustrative materials:
Table levels of morbidity.

  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. The concept of the total incidence.
    2. The concept of the primary disease.
    3. The concept of cumulative incidence.
    4. ICD – 10, the principle of construction.
    5. Sources of the study of disease.
    6. Methods of studying the disease.
    7. The concept of “iceberg” of morbidity.


1.Topic: Medical and social aspects of the priority class of diseases.

2.Purpose: To introduce the medical and social aspects of the priority class of diseases.

3.Theses of lecture:
     Medical and social aspects of the priority class of diseases. The concept of socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a threat to others. Special treatment of certain types of diseases (infectious diseases, the incidence of major non-epidemic diseases, hospitalized incidence, morbidity with temporary disability). Key indicators and economic importance of morbidity with temporary disability. Individual  records and study of morbidity with temporary disability. Rules for the registration, investigation of occupational diseases and poisoning, accounting and reporting

4. Illustrative materials:

5. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. Types of disease on uptake.
    2. The concept of negotiability.
    3. Form of accounting cases.
    4. Form of accounting of infectious disease.
    5. Form of accounting major non-epidemic diseases.
    6. Form of accounting cases hospitalized morbidity.
    7. Form of accounting morbidity with temporary loss of disability.



1.Topic: Complex estimation of population health.

2. Purpose:
To introduce an integrated assessment of public health.

3. Theses of lecture:
Importance of demographic data, statistics, morbidity, disability and physical development for integrated assessment of health status.
Key features and parameters of physical developmet (anthropometric, physiometric, somatoskopic). Methods of statistical analysis of anthropometric data. Standards and scorecards physical development. Individual and group evaluation of physical development. Sigmal assessment. Medical and social aspects of acceleration and decelerations. Surveillance system for the physical development of the individual groups: infants, preschoolers, schoolchildren, students, youth of premilitary age, conscripts, working separate jobs.
Cause of disability. Of disability and principles of their definition. Disability population levels and structure. Documentation of medical-social expert commissions. Indicators of disability.
International Conference on Primary Health Care (Alma-Ata, 1978). Alma-Ata Declaration – the great Charter of Health of the twentieth century. The WHO strategy “Health for all in the twenty-first century (Health – 21), goals, strategies, objectives. The Millennium Development Goals, adopted at the Millennium Summit (New York, 2000), goals for Kazakhstan, monitoring indicators. Strategy “Kazakhstan-2030″. Prosperity, security and the welfare of all Kazakhstan. ” Long-term Priority 4, “Health, education and welfare of the citizens of Kazakhstan,” solved the problem: population policy based on increasing the birth rate, reducing mortality, increasing life expectancy, healthy life and other health issue in his annual message of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people.

4. Illustrative materials:

5. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. Key features and parameters of physical development.
    2. The concept of acceleration.
    3. The concept of disability.
    4. The concept of the first group of disability.
    5. The concept of the second group of disability.
    6. The concept of the third group of disability.



1.Topic: Disease prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyles.

2.Purpose: To introduce the methods of prevention programs and healthy lifestyle.

3.Theses of lecture:

Valeological aspects of health. Lifestyle concept. The influence of lifestyle on health. Medical activity. Healthy lifestyle and its formation. Principles of evaluation and performance lifestyle. Risk factors and their impact on public health. Classification of risk factors. Risk factors associated with lifestyle. Strategies for prevention of diseases in developed countries: population strategy and high-risk strategy. Social and medical prophylaxis. Primary and secondary prevention. Prevention programs: a comprehensive and targeted, multifactorial and single-factor, national, territorial and sectoral, integrated. The role of medical personnel in the formation of healthy living and disease prevention. Goals and objectives of hygiene training and education of the population. The state program “Healthy Lifestyle”.

4.Illustrative materials:

5. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)


  1. The concept of lifestyle.
    2. The degree of influence of lifestyle on health.
    3. The concept of risk factors.
    4. The relative importance of risk factors on health.
    5. Types of prevention.
    6. Prevention programs.


1.Topic: Organizational-legal bases of public health.

2.Purpose: To introduce the organizational and legal foundations of public health.

3.Theses of lecture:

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (August 30, 1995).
Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Nation health and public health care system.”
State program of reforming and development of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010.

4.Illustrative materials:
Table. Expected results of the program’s health care reform.

5. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)

1.World Health Organizations definition of health.
2. Fertility rates in Kazakhstan.
3. Mortality in Kazakhstan.
4. The infant mortality rate in Kazakhstan.
5. Expected results of the reform program.



1.Topic: Principles of organization of treatment-prophylactic assistance to the population
2.Purpose: To introduce the principles of organization of medical and preventive care.

3.Theses of lecture:

Classification of public health a factor of national security. The rights of citizens to health and to ensure their state guarantees. Availability of medical care regardless of social or financial status. Sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. Government regulation and government control of health of citizens throughout their lives. Social justice and equality of citizens in obtaining medical care. The responsiveness of the health system to the needs of citizens in health care. Responsibility of government bodies to create the conditions for the conservation and promotion of health of citizens. Intersectoral collaboration. Fairness of financial contribution.
Types of care: primary care, skilled, dedicated, highly specialized. Restorative treatment (rehabilitation).
The hierarchical structure of health system management. Healthcare management bodies: the central and local.
The nomenclature of health care organizations.
Guaranteed volume of free medical care, the definition list.
The list of medical services not included in the guaranteed amount of care provided and health care organizations for a fee.

4. Illustrative materials


  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)


  1. The principles of medical care.
    2. Types of health care.
    3. Central government health care.
    4. Local public health management.
    5. The concept of guaranteed free medical care.


1.Topic: Organization of treatment-prophylactic assistance to the rural population.

2.Purpose: To introduce the principles of organization of therapeutic and preventive care to rural populations.

3.Theses of lecture:

The nomenclature of rural health care organizations. Provision of rural health-care providers, outpatient and inpatient care. Access to health care to rural residents. General characteristics of the material-technical base of rural health care. System phasing Rural Health (rural medical district, public health district and regional levels), its characterization and evaluation.
Rural medical department: medical organizations, the amount of medical assistance tasks. Features of the organization of medical care in relation to agricultural production and seasonal work. Health education for rural medical station. Clinical examination of individual populations, anti-epidemic work.
District health organizations and their problems. Structure and function of the central district hospital, the amount of care and serving as the organizational-methodical center for management of the health district. Organization of emergency care. Performance of community health organizations, and documentation.
Regional health organizations: Regional Hospital, objectives, structure and performance.
Peculiarities of organization of maternal and child health in rural areas.

4. Illustrative materials:

  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. Peculiarities of organization of rural health care.
    2. The concept of rural medical station.
    3. The structure of the district hospital.
    4. The structure of the regional hospital.


1.Topic: Health care organization to the urban population .

2.Purpose: To introduce the organization of medical care for the urban population.

3.Theses of lecture:

Principles of organization of outpatient care to the population (district-territorial principle, mass, accessibility, prevention focus, organization, and free choice of doctor). Major ambulatory polyclinic organization: a clinic, center primary care, medical clinic, medical center.
Clinic, a structure: Registry, Division of General Practice and / or services precinct, day care and support services; specialized care, laboratory and diagnostic services. U.S. clinics and opening times. Objectives and organization of work units clinic. Performance units and outpatient clinics in general.
Centre for PHC primary health care structure: departments of general practice and / or precinct services, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic, outpatient and ancillary services. Objectives and organization of work.
A medical clinic, the structure: departments of general practice and / or the district service, day clinic and support services. Objectives and organization of  work.
Medical center, tasks and organization of work.
The GP / local doctor, tasks, functions and organization of work performance.
Clinical examination of the population.

Dispensary tasks at this stage. Conducting medical examination today. Populations subject to patient care. The objectives of clinical examination. Organization of follow-up, part of physicians of all specialties.  Performance on clinical examination.
Accounting and operational reporting and documentation of outpatient organizations.
Consultative and Diagnostic Centre. The structure (IR and dispatch service, the department of psychosomatic diagnosis, the organization department of the diagnostic process, clinical and consultative department, therapeutic, pediatric, surgical department, department (laboratories. assingments. Origins and principles of financial and economic activity. The order of referral to a diagnostic center. Dispatching and regulation of flows of patients. Other diagnostic advisory organization: consultative-diagnostic clinic (regional, city, district), Advisory Centre (national, provincial, municipal), the diagnostic center (regional, urban).
Organization of emergency medical services (MPS). The basic principles and forms of organization. Emergency medical assistance community-acquired. Management of the central station MPS and its units. Tasks, functions and structure of the MPS stations (operating department, hospital, traveling teams and MPS transport).Continuity of the work stations MPS with other medical organizations. Emergency Hospital. Grading, quality and efficiency of MPS.
Of hospital as the main and leading link in the system inpatient care. The structure of the city hospital, the staff, tasks and organization of work. Statutory requirements for hospital care. Performance of a hospital: the use of hospital beds (average annual employment, bed turnover, the amount of hospitalization, stay in bed), mortality. Hospitalization technology.
Cardiology, Skin and Venereal Diseases, Addiction, Cancer, TB, neuropsychiatric, endocrinology, medical and sports clinic, structure, objectives, functions, organization of activities.

4. Illustrative materials

5. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. Principles of organization of outpatient care.
    2. Major ambulatory polyclinic organization.
    3. The structure of the clinic.
    4. The concept of the clinical examination of the population.
    5. The structure of the city hospital.
    6. The concept of hospitalization technologies.


1.Topic: Motherhood and childhood protection.

2.Purpose: To introduce the principles of maternal and child health.

3.Theses of lecture:

Combined maternity hospital, its mission and structure. Women’s advice, its structure, staffing, and working modalities. The district principle, and dispensary method in the antenatal clinic. The main contributors of service. Preventive work among women in the service area. Organizing and conducting routine inspections, the study of women’s health and development of proposals for improvement of their conditions of work and life. Organization of care for pregnant women. The objectives of antenatal health of the child. Ensuring the timely capture of pregnant women under observation, systematic observation throughout pregnancy, a full examination. Comprehensive training of pregnant women in antenatal period. Organization of care for women with gynecological diseases. Clinical supervision gynecological patients. The work of an obstetrician-gynecologist at the industrial enterprise. Hospital maternity ward, especially in its structure. Requirements for premises. The organization receiving pregnant women and gynecologic patients. The fight against importations. Interventions to prevent maternal and newborn mortality. Specialization obstetric care. Documentation, accounting, reporting and performance prenatal and maternity hospital. Ensuring continuity of antenatal clinic, hospital maternity and child health clinics.
Perinatal center problem. Center for Family Planning and Reproductive Health and its objectives.
Children’s Hospital, structure. Children’s Clinic, structure, staffing. The district principle, and dispensary method in the organization of medical care for children. The content and organization of the district pediatrician. Patronage and preventive monitoring of the development and the health of children. Anti-epidemic work of child health clinics, organizing immunization study, vaccination schedule RC. The organization receiving healthy and sick children, the work filter. Providing specialized care, the work of specialists and a narrow profile of therapeutic and diagnostic support. Documentation, accounting, reporting, performance indicators of child health clinics. Hospital Children’s Hospital, especially the structure, staffing. Features of the organization receiving department. Sanitary-epidemic control and health-protective mode. Providing care for sick children and educational work. Forms of attracting the mother to care for sick children. Documentation, accounting, reporting and performance at Children’s Hospital.
Types of preschool and school facilities. Established standards for health care workers in day care centers (PSP). Continuity in children’s polyclinics and PSP. Organization of preventive work in preschool institutions: an immunization control activities, health education. Conduct therapeutic interventions in preschool institutions. Specialized PSP, their task of providing high quality medical care, the organization of the complex restorative treatment. Orphanage, health maintenance organization, content and form of the medical staff. Procedure for registration of medical records for your child enters school. Duties of medical school, the organization of its work. Medical examinations and clinical examinations of schoolchildren. Pre-school children’s department clinics, their structure and objectives. Recording and reporting of school physician performance.

Illustrative materials:

  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. The structure of the maternity ward.
    2. Forms of antenatal clinic.
    3. Methods of antenatal clinic.
    4. Structure of the Children’s Hospital.
    5. The structure of children’s clinics.



1.Topic: Economics in health care.

2.Purpose: To introduce the basics of health economics.

3.Theses of lecture:

Health economics, the definition of the problem. The main topics and issues of health economics. The concept of the social, medical cost-effectiveness of health care. The influence of health on economic development, relationship with other industries. The main areas of health economics: cost-effectiveness of health care (macroeconomics), cost of health – research and development of methods for more efficient and economical use of resources consumed by health care  (microeconomics). The structure of the economic loss due to morbidity, and mortality. Economic analysis of health care organizations. The cost of outpatient and inpatient care. Calculation of the socially necessary costs on the basis of clinical and related groups of diseases. Pricing in public health. The calculation and profit planning and cost-effectiveness in health care.

4. Illustrative materials:


  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)1. Definition of Health Economics.
    2. The concept of social efficiency of health care.
    3. The concept of the medical effectiveness of health care.
    4. The concept of cost-effectiveness of health care.
    5. Macroeconomics.
    6. Microeconomics.
    7. The concept of economic loss due to disease.
    8. The concept of economic loss due to death.



Planning and financing of health care.

2.Purpose: To introduce the basics of planning and financing of  healthcare.

3.Theses of lecture:

The basic principles of health planning, their rationale and application. The main methods of health planning: an analytical, comparative, balance, regulation, experimental economics and mathematics and other strategic and operational planning in health care. The main stages of planning for health: the base (analysis of raw data), assessment of needs of the people in all kinds of medical care. A plan of health for all indicators and sections,  plan monitoring and corrective action.
The organization and funding of health. The concept of budget and financial criteria that characterize healthcare costs. The budget classification. The method of budgeting for health care. Stages of the budget. The method of estimating the hospital. Fiscal discipline, the basic requirements for fiscal discipline.

4.Illustrative materials:

  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. The basic principles of health planning.
    2. The main methods of health planning.
    3. The main stages of health planning.
    4. Types of plans.
    5. Sources of financing health care.
    6. The concept of the budget.
    7. The concept of the estimates.



1.Topic: Health care in market conditions.

2.Purpose: To introduce the features of the health market conditions.

3.Theses of lecture:
Compilation of the health plan during the transition to a market economy. Business planning. Financial management in the health care market conditions.
An economic analysis of industrial and economic activities of health facilities in the transition to a market economy. Organization and remuneration of health workers in market conditions.

4. Illustrative materials:


  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)1. The concept of “market”.
    2. The concept of “market for medical services.”
    3. Features of the medical services market.
    4. The concept of “health service needs.”
    5. Healthcare workers’ pay in the marketplace.



1.Topic: Management in health care.

To introduce the fundamentals of management in health care.

3.Theses of lecture:

Management and as a function of activity in health care. Management functions in health planning, organization, motivation and control.  Formulation and decision-making purposes. Motivation and factors affecting it in health care organizations. Control as a function of management in health care and its stages. Behavioral aspects of control.  Characteristics of effective control in public and private health organizations.
The role of the manager and the essence of management. The management functions of head of organization, their practical implementation. Decision-making. The nature of decision-making. Models and methods of decision-making. Ensuring the effectiveness of health care organizations.
Human Resource Management. Performance evaluation of staff performance evaluation. The preparation of future managers and motivation. Improving the quality of the labor collective of the medical organization.

4. Illustrative materials:
5. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)
  2. Management functions.
    2. The concept of “planning.”
    3. The concept of “organization”.
    4. The concept of “motivation.”
    5. The concept of “control.”
    6. The concept of “target”.
    7. The concept of “solution”.
    8. The concept of “leader.”
    9. The concept of “leader.”


1.Topic: Quality assurance of medical services.

2.Purpose: To introduce the principles and methods of quality control of medical services.

3.Theses of lecture:

Determination of the quality of medical services. Characteristics of quality in health care: professional competence, accessibility, effectiveness, interpersonal relations, efficiency, continuity, security and convenience. Types of quality assurance activities. Procedure for examination of quality of medical services.

4. Illustrative materials

  1. References:



  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions:
  2. Definition of quality.
    2. The concept of “professional competence”.
    3. The concept of “accessibility.”
    4. The notion of “efficiency.”
    5. The concept of “interpersonal relationships”.
    6. The notion of “efficiency.”
    7. The concept of “continuity.”
    8. The concept of “security”.
    9. The concept of “convenience.”



1.Topic: Priorities of healthcare reforming and development in Kazakhstan.

2.Purpose: To familiarize with the priorities in the reform and development of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3.Theses of lecture:
International Conference on Primary Health Care (Alma-Ata, 1978). Alma-Ata Declaration – the great Charter of Health of the twentieth century. The WHO strategy “Health for all in the twenty-first century (Health – 21), goals, strategies, objectives.The Millennium Development Goals, adopted at the Millennium Summit (New York, 2000), goals for Kazakhstan, monitoring indicators. Strategy “Kazakhstan-2030″.Prosperity, security and the welfare of all Kazakhstan. ” Long-term Priority 4, “Health, education and welfare of the citizens of Kazakhstan,” solved the problem: population policy based on increasing the birth rate, reducing mortality, increasing life expectancy, healthy life and other health issue in his annual message of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people.

4.Illustrative materials.

  1. References:




  1. Lisicin Y.P. Public health and healthcare. – 2-ndedit., rev. and sup. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2007. – 512 p.

2.Public health and healthcare / Edited by V.A. Mynayev, N.I. Vishnyakov – М.: МЕД пресс-информ, 2003. – 528 p.

3.YuryevV.K., KucenkoG.I. Public health and healthcare. – St.-Petersburg,      2000. – 914 p.



  1. Maximova T.M. Modern status, tendencies and perspective evaluation of population health. – М.: ПЕРСЭ, 2002. – 192 p.
  2. Medic V.A. Population morbidity: history, modern status and methodology of studying. – М.: Мedicine, 2003. – 512 p.
  3. Medic V.A. Guidance for health and healthcare statistics.– М.: Мedicine, 2006. – 528 p.

4.Sharmanov T.Sh. The world healthcare before and after great Alma-Ata   conference.– Almaty- Washington-Geneva, 2003. – 143 p.




1.Биғалиева Р., Исмаилов Ш., Әлеуметтік медицина және денсаулық сақтауды басқару. – Алматы, 2001. – 371 б.




1.Tulchinsky T.H., Varavikova E.A. The New Public Health: An Introduction. – Jerusalem, 1999. – 1049 p.


  1. Control questions (feedback)

1.Millennium development goals for Kazakhstan
2.Purposes for Kazakhstan.
3.Strategy”Kazakhstan – 2030″.
4.Solving problems.
5.Estamated  results.