Many preparation questions for students of the Faculty of General Medicine for foreign control

JSC “Astana Medical University”


Department of Public Health № 1

Questions to prepare for the many foreign control (Colloquium 1) for 3-rd year students faculty of “General medicine”

  1. Definition of science “Public Health.”
  2. Definition of the object of the study.
  3. The history of the discipline
  4. Research methods.
  5. Definition of the concept of “health” according to the WHO.
  6. The factors that determine the health of the population by Y.P. Lisitsyn.
  7. Social determinants of health.
  8. Definition of quality of life.
  9. Methodology for studying the quality of life.
  10. Definition of demography as a science.
  11. Static population: the basic concepts.
  12. Census.
  13. Types of population age structures.
  14. Population dynamics: basic concepts.
  15. Birth rate – definition, calculation methods.
  16. Factors affecting fertility.
  17. Specific fertility rates.
  18. Mortality – determination, calculation methods.
  19. Natural population growth.
  20. Infant mortality.
  21. ALE – the concept, levels.
  22. Demographic policy.
  23. Reproductive health.
  24. Reproductive rights.
  25. The prevalence of abortion.
  26. Maternal mortality – determination, calculation methods.
  27. The concept of the total incidence.
  28. The concept of the primary disease.
  29. ICD – 10 and construction principles.
  30. Sources and methods for the study of disease.
  31. Registration (registration) diseases.
  32. Social diseases.
  33. Types of morbidity level.
  34. Morbidity structure in Kazakhstan.
  35. Disability – definition, causes and groups.
  36. Anthropometric parameters of physical development.
  37. Physiometric parameters of physical development.
  38. Somatoscopic parameters of physical development.
  39. Medical and social aspects of acceleration.


JSC “Astana Medical University”

Department of Public Health № 1


Questions to prepare for the many foreign control (Colloquium 2) for 3-rd year students faculty of  “General medicine”


  1. Goals and objectives of the WHO strategy “Health for all in the twenty-first century (Health – 21).”
  2. Way of life – a concept, the impact on health.
  3. A healthy lifestyle.
  4. Risk factors – classification, the impact on public health.
  5. Prevention strategy in economic development.
  6. Primary and secondary prevention. Prevention program.

7.Governmental program “Healthy Living.”

8.Constitutsion the Republic of Kazakhstan (30 August 1995).

9.Code Republic of Kazakhstan “On the health of people and the health care system”

10.Governmental Program Healthcare Reform and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010.

11.The role of outpatient clinics in the system of preventive and curative care.

  1. The organizing principle of outpatient care.
  2. Structure and function of the urban health center.
  3. Organization of the GP-GP.
  4. The main hospital facilities that provide inpatient care.
  5. Objectives and organization of the city hospital.
  6. Main elements of the doctor-intern.
  7. Documentation clinics and hospitals.
  8. Performance indicators and methodology for the calculation of their clinics and hospitals.
  9. Factors affecting the performance of the health centers and hospitals.
  10. Maternity Hospital – the structure of the problem.
  11. Women’s Consultation – structure, forms and methods of work.
  12. Performance of the maternity hospital and clinic.
  13. Perinatal center tasks.
  14. Fundamental differences in the structure of children’s health centers and clinics for adults.
  15. The main activity pediatrician.
  16. School and Preschool children’s clinic, tasks.
  17. Features of the pediatric section.
  18. Features of the organizational structure of children’s hospitals.
  19. Features desk at Children’s Hospital.
  20. Documentation pediatrician doctor, intern at Children’s Hospital.
  21. Indicators of child health clinics and hospitals.
  22. Features of medical care in rural areas.
  23. FAP tasks, local hospital.
  24. The role of CRH in healthcare.
  25. The role of the regional hospital in the public service.

JSC “Astana Medical University”

Department of Public Health № 1

Questions to prepare for the many foreign control (Colloquium 3) for 3-year faculty “general medicine”

  1. The order of examination of temporary disability in health care settings.
  2. Functions of staff of experts.
  3. Functions WCC
  4. Types of temporary disability.
  5. Examination of permanent disability.
  6. Jobs and tasks MSEC.
  7. Objectives and methods of public health planning.
  8. Types of health plans and performance.
  9. Planning methodology of outpatient and

hospital care.

  1. Types of expenditure norms. Mandatory and optional application rates.
  2. Reimbursement rules for health care.
  3. Rules for the financing of specialized outpatient

assistance for services rendered by ambulatory polyclinic rater.

  1. Rules for the financing of primary health care providers on a per capita basis.
  2. The role of health in economic development.
  3. Objectives and methods of health economics.
  4. Effectiveness of health care and the methods of evaluation.
  5. Provisions to reduce health care costs.
  6. Methods of health planning.
  7. Types of plans.
  8. Especially the planning of treatment and preventive care.
  9. What is your budget?
  10. What is an estimate?
  11. Procedure for preparation of the estimate.
  12. Sources of health care financing.
  13. The definition of health economics.
  14. Types of health economics.
  15. Methods of health economics.
  16. Effectiveness of medical care.
  17. Social effectiveness of health care.
  18. Economically effective healthcare.
  19. Prevent economic damage.
  20. Ways to reduce expenditures.
  21. JSC “Astana Medical University”

Department of Public Health № 1

Questions to prepare for the many foreign control (Colloquium 4) for 3-rd year  students faculty of  “General medicine”

  1. The concept of management.
  2. The purpose of management.
  3. Management functions.
  4. The concept of the market for medical services.
  5. Marketing as an activity.
  6. The main components of marketing.
  7. Cost accounting as an activity.
  8. Models of self-financing.
  9. Management – definition.
  10. The purpose of management.
  11. Quality manager.
  12. Management as an activity.
  13. Control functions.
  14. The definition of the medical services.
  15. The main elements of marketing.
  16. Types of products in healthcare.
  17. Terms of the exchange.
  18. Characteristics of the buyer.
  19. The concept of non-commercial marketing.
  20. Distinction between commercial and non-profit marketing.
  21. The concept of ownership.
  22. Models of self-financing.
  23. The concept of privatization.
  24. Methods of privatization.
  25. Background of the uniform system of quality control in health care.
  26. The concept of quality in health care.
  27. Basic methodological approaches to quality control.
  28. Quality standards in healthcare.
  29. Criteria, indicators and methods of monitoring quality of care.
  30. The problem of quality in health care.
  31. The definition of quality.
  32. The definition of control.
  33. The method of quality control in health care.

34.Tehnologiya quality in health care.

  1. System of quality control in health care.
  2. Quality management system in health care.
  3. A structured approach to quality control.
  4. Procedural approach to quality control.
  5. Approach to quality control by the final result.
  6. Types of quality standards.
  7. Objectives of quality standards.
  8. Criteria for monitoring quality of care.
  9. Indicators of quality of care.
  10. Methods of monitoring quality of care.