The concept and characteristics of financial law

The concept and characteristics of financial law   In the system of Kazakhstan law as one of its integrated industries included financial law. The relationship between financial law and Finance is obvious; therefore, the study of financial law traditionally begins with consideration of the concepts of Finance, financial systems and financial activities of the state. …


Nootropics Nootropic drugs are medicines that exert special influence on the higher integrative functions of the brain, stimulating memory, training, improving mental activity. It manifests itself in mental deficiency associated with organic brain lesions. Nootropics increase memory, reduce fatigue. But the effects appear gradually, not immediately after taking the drug. It should be noted that …

The functional research techniques in a neurology

Now in an arsenal of neurologists and psychiatrists there is a large number of instrumental methods of the researches allowing to estimate the functional condition of both central, and peripheral nervous system. For the choice of the right diagnostic direction, the exact treatment, assessment of prospects of therapy, the forecast of a course of a …

Disease history

Anamnesis morbi: He considers himself to be sick for 5 months, after becoming hypothermic for the first time he began to notice a cough with sputum, dyspnoea with physical exertion, which grew in dynamics and was periodically intensified. Later, tachypnea, pains in coughing in the thoracic region were added. Addressed to the therapist at the …

Genetic factors

Autoimmune diseases are diseases associated with dysfunction of the human immune system, which perceives its own tissues as alien and to damage them. Such diseases are called systemic, because, as a rule, is affected the whole system or even the entire body. In the normal immune response develops only on foreign or modified self antigens. …

Termination of contract of employment

The Labour Law provides that a contract of employment terminates at the expiration of its term or due to the circumstances beyond the will of the parties (Article 25 of the LL) The meaning of “the circumstances beyond the will of the parties” is not exhaustively defined in the Labour Law, but examples provided in …

Medical history

Introduction About 10 years ago some diseases were considered one disease, but now they are considered two different. Diagnostic tools for doctors today are what the state of science offers them today. About 10-20% of people are treated not for the disease that they have. It seems to you that 10-20-30% is a bit too …


                                 LECTURE COMPLEX Discipline  Public Health, OZ 3225 Specialty  051 301- «General Medicine» Lectures 18 (hours) Course: The third Semester: V, VI                                                                           Compiled by: Head of Department, MD,                                    Professor L.L.Karp, Senior Lecturer T.B.Potapchuk Astana, 2011 LECTURE №1 1.Topic: Public health as …

The history of chemical weapons

Objective: To familiarize with the history of the emergence of poisons and chemical weapons. To study the basic components of it. The ability of toxic substances to cause the death of people and animals is known from time immemorial. In the XIX century, toxic chemicals have been used in the fighting on a large scale. …